К обсуждению проекта Постановления Пленума ВАС РФ о применении части первой НК РФ

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«КС РФ» – «ВАС РФ» – «правовая позиция» – «возврат налога» – «права налогоплательщика» – «баланс интересов» – «доказательство»
K.I. Baigozin
Discussing draft Resolution of the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Arbitration Court with regard to applying part one of the Russian Tax Code
Great importance was attached to the posting on the Supreme Arbitration Court’s official web site of the draft Resolution of the Plenum of the SAC regarding certain issues connected with state arbitration courts applying part one of the Tax Code. Based on an analysis of the draft Resolution, certain similarities can be traced between the SAC’s stance and that of the Russian Constitutional Court.